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RH6 Open Evening 9th November 2022

Rugby High is inviting year 11s and their parents/guardians to our 6th Form Open Evening

Our RH6 Open Evening will be held on Wednesday 9th November, 5.30-8.30pm, allowing prospective students to discover why Rugby High is right for them. 

Rugby High will be showcasing why it is the right Sixth Form for students, a school with a great choice of A Levels, where students achieve grades well above the national averages, with a fantastic pastoral support system, plenty of opportunities for co-curricular activities and adventures from Duke of Edinburgh to Young Enterprise. 

RH6 welcomes current students and joiners alike and is inviting students and their families to come along to the Open Evening to find out more. Interested students can register for the event online. 

register here

Information for the Open Evening

We are looking forward to welcoming you and your Year 11 student to RH6 open evening this week, on Wednesday 9th November, as we are delighted to share the opportunities available for them at RH6.

If driving please enter the school via the main staff car park where you will be directed to park on the field.  On arrival, please proceed to the foyer where you will be greeted by our students, given a welcome pack and information for the evening.

In the course of the evening you will be able to attend up to five subject talks and the main presentation in the sports hall.

The timings of the evening are as follows:

5:30:   welcome and arrival

5:40 -  6:00:  subject talk

6:05 – 6:25:  subject talk

6:30 – 6:50:  subject talk

7:00 – 7:30: Main presentation in Sports Hall

7:40 – 8:00:  subject talk

8:05 – 8:25:  subject talk

8:30:   evening finishes

We hope that the evening will be insightful and inspirational!

Life in RH6

In RH6 students get involved in all aspects of school life and leave with all the skills, qualifications and resilience necessary to be successful - ready for the next stage in their lives and educational journeys.

Our RH6 philosophy is to “stay curious” and we nurture a love of learning so that our students leave us with a confident voice and open mind. This year 72% of our student’s A Level grades were A – B and 46% were A* - A and we provide individual study skills support to ensure students complete their A Level qualifications with confidence.