Classics at Rugby High School
@rhs_classics - Twitter Feed Classics Club: every Friday, Room 12 at 1.30pm
Classics Department Vision Statement
Classics is the study of the Romans and the Ancient Greeks. This is via the study of Latin and Ancient Greek and the study of Classical Civilsation. At RHS students study Latin in Years 7 and 8 before having the option of continuing into Year 9 and to GCSE and then A Level. Classical Civilisation is currently also offered at A Level and Ancient Greek is available as an extra-curricular option during a lunchtime club.
The study of Latin encourages learners to improve their knowledge of both the language and culture of the Romans. Students are tested on their background historical knowledge and develop their understanding of language through reading comprehension and translation. In studying the background information in Latin or in studying Classical Civilisation, analysis and evaluation of sources is a key skill at Key Stages 4 and 5. The study of Ancient Greek as an extra-curricular option enables learners to improve their knowledge of the language of the Ancient Greeks and to make comparisons with Latin, English and sometimes other modern languages.
Our key aims as a department are to develop students’ skills in making links between Latin/Greek and English or other MFL subjects, and to be able to make comparisons between the modern and ancient worlds. It is by doing these things that students are better able to understand the world we live in today. We also aim to create passionate enthusiasts for the ancient world and send students off to university to study Classics.
Our Year 12 and 13 students run Classics Club - which explores mythology and the classical world, outside of the curriculum and we have run Classics competitions where students have to research and write about an ancient city of their choice. Finally, we run successful trips including biennial trips to the Bay of Naples and Greece, an annual trip to Bath for Year 10 students and sixth form students attend university study days.
A Level Latin and Classical Civilisation
For details of our A Level Latin course, click here
For details of our A Level Classical Civilisation course, click here