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Rugby High School Special Educational Needs Provision:  BOOST

BOOST, our active and vibrant SEN department, supports students with a wide variety of additional needs. Any student may experience difficulties which have an impact upon their ability to learn, at any time in their school career, and we are here to help.

We aim to BOOST students’:                                                                                                                                                                                                                

  • confidence 
  • self-esteem
  • happiness at school
  • study skills
  • grades

We carry out screening tests for all new year 7 students in reading, writing and spelling, so that in conjunction with other departments, we can help students to develop their literacy skills should this be necessary.  The SENCo also administers standardised tests for specific learning difficulties, which may lead to an application for special exam conditions such as extra time. 

Figures show that 1 in 5 learners will find they need a little emotional support from time to time during their school career. Students can access a whole range of support on a one-one or group basis to support their social and emotional needs. Colleagues from outside agencies are highly valued members of our team and provide a confidential counselling service and learning and behaviour support.

Therapeutic work lies at the heart of BOOST, with first interventions very often focusing on the students’ positive experiences of school. The SENCo is trained to deliver the Triple P Teen programme, thus parents are also included in the support offered.

We value the experience of our older students, who can apply for volunteer positions of responsibility. Sixth Form students are actively encouraged to train as cross-age tutors and mentors.

BOOST is a valued resource that provides study-skills help, somewhere to pick up revision tips and support with homework. It is a place to relax , play games and find a listening ear.

Your BOOST Team are:

Mrs Yvette Grogan, Senior Assistant Head Teacher and SENCo

Mrs Jill Deas - Learning Support Manager

Sarah Dingwall

Anna Dixon 

Louise Thompson - Sixth Form Pastoral Assistant

Simon Phillips- Learning Mentor