Excellent A-Level results for Rugby High School students

Our students have achieved excellent A Level results with 72% of students gaining A* to B grades with nearly 10% reaching A* grades in all their subjects.
For our students the future is looking rosy, as the majority have gained a place at a university of their choice.
Headmaster Mr Grady is proud of the students and said “Today is a day for celebration for our year 13 students. At Rugby High School we celebrate the ethos that we have set heights in our heart, and the fantastic teaching and experience that students receive here has made sure that for the cohort of 2022, their future is bright indeed!”
Mr Grady added “It is most important to understand that this cohort did not have the opportunity to complete formal examinations at GCSE in 2020. This cohort did not complete the last term and a half of their GCSE courses in school, but through remote learning in 2020. They also missed a term of in-school learning, resorting again to remote learning due to the second full lockdown in Spring of 2021. This was a massively disrupted cohort of students. Whatever the grades for the cohort overall, their achievements should be lauded for their resilience, focus and their personal successes. We could not be prouder of them.”
The school is also celebrating individual successes as nearly 10% of the cohort gained 4 or 3 grades all at A* and all applicants who applied to Oxford or Cambridge gained their places. Student, Ellen Morley, has secured her place at Cambridge to study engineering with 4 A* in Maths, Further Maths, Physics and Chemistry. Ellen said “I’m thrilled, I was really hoping to get into Cambridge, so I’m really happy and it is starting to sink in.”

Student, Janani Balamurali has achieved 3 A* in Biology, Chemistry and Physics and said “I couldn’t believe it! When I started in year 12 I never thought I could do this. I’m now taking a gap year to explore my options.
Student, Mairead Williams is also celebrating today and said “I’m feeling good, I have got the grades I wanted and am off to the University of Tokyo to study Environmental Science. It’s an amazing opportunity.”
Olga Dermott-Bond, Head of Sixth Form, said “I’m thrilled, proud and delighted with all of our sixth formers who have worked so hard and achieved so much. It is wonderful to see them going off to so many different university courses and other opportunities.”