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A Level Science Students Get Dissecting

This week A Level Science students spent a morning dissecting pig specimens, helping them to gain a better understanding of anatomy.  Tayla Golby, Year 13:  "Rather than just looking at photos we could see (and smell) the organs in a pig's head . You could actually see the nerves that controlled sight, smell and hearing.   Some of it was pretty gruesome, but it was fun.  It really helped me to visualise and will help me to remember how organs work." 

Matthew Rejimon, Year 13: " I learnt a lot of new terminology.  I really understand now what the different parts of the heart do."

Reia Paul and Jenna Richardson in Year 12: "It was really interesting as we have never actually seen those organs for real - just pictures.   The intestines were so long!"   

Photos by Mia Ashby, Y12