Celebrating our first Diversity Day

Students and staff were invited by the Diversity Prefect team to come to school on our first ever annual Diversity Day dressed in either their traditional cultural dress, or the colour of their flags.
Rania Jhumka and Dhruvika Talati in Year 13 commented how the school was full of colour everywhere and how much students seemed to enjoy seeing the different clothing and jewellery from other cultures.
Students spent form time asking each other questions about their culture and finding out about each others’ customs.
There were cultural performances at lunch time in the music centre before a packed audience of students . Abi Westgate, one of the diversity prefects, said that she loved the fact that everyone felt comfortable to come in and express themselves in their culture. “It was really special to see students wanting to learn from and listen to each other. I am so glad we got to do it.”
Click here to see photos of the day taken by Mia Ashby in Year 12 and Mr Nichols