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Congratulations from Minister of State for schools

The Rt Hon Nick Gibb MP, Minister of State for Schools has congratulated Rugby High School for its commitment to the teaching of languages.

In a letter sent to Mr Grady this week, MP Nick Gibb noted that our GCSE data on entries for 2022 shows that 97% of our students were entered for at least one MFL GCSE. This makes Rugby High School one of the top schools in England for the proportion of pupils studying a language at GCSE.  

MP Nick Gibb also mentioned that, "In an increasingly globalised economy, it has never been more important for our pupils to be taught modern foreign languages. Languages help young people understand culture and societies beyond our own and they help widen career opportunities."

The letter goes on to congratulate Rugby High School staff and pupils for their hard work and success and thanks Mr Grady for his leadership in continuing to promote the teaching of languages.