Amazing Progress 8 Score for Rugby High School

Rugby High School has achieved the highest Progress 8 measure in Rugby with 0.79 which is ‘Well above average’. This is the highest Progress 8 Rugby High School has had since the measure was introduced nationally in 2016.
Progress 8 is now one of the most important ways that a school's performance is measured and its based on students' progress made from the end of year 6, when Key Stage 2 SATS are taken, up to the end of Key Stage 4. It is a type of value-added measure, which means that pupils’ results are compared to other pupils nationally with similar starting points.
Mark Grady, Head teacher said: “We could not be happier with our Progress 8 score. It is a real measure of a school’s success, and this is proof that if you are a high-achieving student, then Rugby High School is the place for you. This score is testament to the skills of our highly trained staff, and the hard work of our students and families, as we all work together to meet the aspirations of our students. What a brilliant piece of news for the school and for our community.”
Students who join Rugby High School are assured of academic progress alongside all the other wonderful opportunities the school has to offer.