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MFL at Rugby High School

The aim of the RHS MFL curriculum is for students to develop a life-long love of languages. Our curriculum is designed to ignite in students an interest and enthusiasm that will lead them to be confident communicators who understand the importance and practical value of speaking a foreign language.

In lessons our students are exposed to the target language and are encouraged to use it themselves as much as possible. We focus on developing an understanding of the culture in the countries where the language is spoken, as well as the skills to be proficient language learners. We want to develop our students’ confidence to take risks and express themselves creatively and spontaneously, as well as their independence and resilience when faced with challenges.

Our shared goal is for students to experience and feel the sense of achievement and joy that comes from being able to communicate in another language - whether one that they are learning now or in the future – and that language learning equips us with a practical skill that truly enriches your life.