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Day 1 - Transition Work

Day 1: Watch the TED Lecture 'Inside the mind of a Master Procrastinator'

Watch and enjoy, then analyse how Urban constructs and delivers his message:

 -How does he structure the talk? (consider anecdotes/ visual prompts/ humour/ the ending)

YOUR TASK for today is to think about some of your "weak spots" in terms of study habits and to create a short TED TALK about it. It can also include how you overcame this, if you feel you have developed strategies! (You can record this if you want to, but you can create a script/ PowerPoint instead - crucially imagine giving this TED talk to peers). 

  1. Be inventive 
  2. Draft and re draft your work
  3. you may want to do some research to back up your assertions
  4. Be ambitious
  5. Make it the best you can!

For the time being I would like you to keep a file of this work: there is no need to submit it to me directly yet.

However, I will be asking for a selection of work in due course.

Happy transition work

Best wishes

Mrs Dermott-Bond, Head of Sixth Form