News from Mr Grady
9th February 2024
Hello Everyone,
This half term will only have been five weeks long, and yet, as is often the case in education, we will have fitted into five weeks, what we ordinarily do in seven. In the last five weeks alone, we have seen Year 11 receive all of the mock examination feedback, we have seen year 13 sit their mock exams, we’ve had several parents’ evenings, we’ve undertaken a largescale parent and student survey, we’ve had our school production, seen Loudmouth productions, had a ski-trip and a trip to Seville, been out to see Poetry live, and attended a production of Sister Act, sat a maths challenge as well as starting the Crest project in year 9, and, this week welcoming Challenge Partners, a school review panel into the school. If you feel tired just reading this, imagine how busy it has felt in school.
I am currently writing this (a day late!) from a conference in Milton Keynes, where I will be in discussion (along with other school leaders) with Bridget Phillipson, the Shadow secretary of state for education, about, understandably, the “state” of education.
I will be proudly sharing just what a wonderful experience it is that we offer here at Rugby High, but how much more improved it will be with fairer funding, not just in schools, but in all the areas that support schools: Social Care, Education and Family Services and mental health support.
I, alongside other leaders in education will be attempting to ensure that that, having worked so closely with our students in years 11 and 13 to get them in a great position for their exams this summer, that we can continue to do so with even greater impact in the coming years for our students in KS3, KS4 and those joining us in September.
We are so proud of a full, thriving and exciting half term as it comes to an end, and looking forward to the further educational experiences we are planning for our students in February and March.
Do have a restful and rejuvenating half-term break,
Stay well and safe everyone,
With all best wishes,
Mr Grady