News from Mr Grady
5th July 2024
Hello Everyone,
Apologies for writing a day later than normal, due to my simply not having quite met the deadline!
The RHS election took place yesterday, with students casting their votes based on the work of our Cultural Affairs prefects, with support from Dr Carr and Mr Marley. There was a real buzz around the polling station, and the results in terms of winners, matches the country’s choice this morning, but the second largest party at RHS would have been the green Party, literally squeaking in after Labour, who had only the tiniest of winning margins. A wonderful day celebrating democracy, where, as I heard one MP saying that one learns how to win, but also, importantly, how to lose; with dignity, reflection and peaceful handing over of power.
As I always say, I tend to maintain that my newsletter should be about school life, rather than the wider world, but equally, the process of our democracy, the handing over of the reins of government, and the functioning of parliament is of course a vital part of what our students should be learning throughout their time at RHS, particularly if, as we say in our vision, we want our students to have a confident voice and become global citizens.
Away from the machinations of our political machine, RHS had a significant victory of its own in the person of Ameera in year 12 who has been pronounced NATIONAL winner of the poetry by heart competition. Ameera performed on the Globe stage in London, which one might think is “winning” enough, but to then be judged national winner is really quite the achievement.
Victory too came for the Industrial Cadets in year 12, who won the prestigious People’s Choice Award, for their presentation to industry professionals at the national award ceremony. The second team were runners up in the Dragons’ Den Competition and also narrowly pipped to the post into second place for best overall project.
Doing this at the same time as finishing year 12 examinations, and getting ready for year 13 is a fantastic achievement, and we rightly celebrate our year 12 students for their achievements!
Given that this week we have been celebrating students’ achievements with a range of celebration assemblies for effort and contribution to school life, and had our most well attended induction day ever for students joining us in year 12 next year, it really has felt like a very positive week. RHS and RH6 continue to thrive!
Stay well and safe everyone,
With all best wishes,
Mr Grady