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Lesson in Self Defence for Year 11

On Tuesday the  Year 11 students were given a session on Self Defence led by StreetWise Defence. Dene, who ran the sessions has previous experience boxing from a young age, being in the army and being the personal bodyguard to Russell Crowe and Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. He has trained many school students, as well as University students, Special Forces and other national armed units.

During the session students learnt about the Shredder method of defence and hopefully came away from the session with a more realistic impression of how they might be able to defend themselves and the reality of various situations.

The session was very eye-opening and allowed students to learn from the years of experience that Dene has in not only defending himself and others but training others to be more aware of dangers. The importance of recognising Red Flags was a crucial message, as was the key communication of being more aware of your surroundings and the situation you may find yourself in.