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Welcome to Rugby High School


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Latest News

Olympian Lauren Henry visiting

Gold medal winning former student to share her Olympic journey with students!

We're looking forward to welcoming Lauren to the school to speak to our students about her life, her training and her Olympic experience.

Lauren will be visiting the school on Monday 30th September and will host a number of special assemblies.


  • What our
    Parents Say...

  • “Since our daughter started at RHS, we have been delighted that she is lucky enough to be part of such a superb school, thank you!”
  • “It is lovely what you and your team do to support our girls.”
  • “The dedicated focus on our children's well-being and education encourages our children to stay engaged with their studies. ”
  • “Please thank all the staff for everything they do – RHS has really been there for all of us. Thanks!”
  • “Thank you for all you do to make Rugby High School a special place for my daughter to learn. She has loved learning practically since the day she was born and RHS is the first place she's experienced that just about keeps up with her appetite for learning!”